During the angiogram procedure and x-ray dye is injected through the catheter in order to allow coronary arteries to show on x-ray. The angiogram would show where the blockages are. Angioplasty or stenting may be done right away. if needed.
Angioplasty is used to restore normal blood flow when a vein or artery is too narrow or blocked. It is normally done in an interventional radiology suite rather than operating room.
Angioplasty with or without vascular stenting, uses a balloon-tipped catheter to open a blocked blood vessel and improve blood flow.
The doctor uses medical imaging (e.g. x-ray fluoroscopy) to guide the catheter to the blockage. The balloon is inflated to open the vessel and compress the plaque against the walls of the vessel, widening the channel. This will improve blood flow. It may be done with or without a metal mesh tube called a stent. The stent is left inside after the procedure is completed and remains there forever to help keep the blood vessel it open.
An angiogram is then done to confirm that the artery has been opened, improving blood flow. The procedure of angioplasty is minimally invasive and usually does not require general anesthesia.
Possible risk of angioplasty and vascular stenting:
■ Bleeding or clotting
■ Tearing of the artery lining
■ Arrhythmia
■ Allergic reaction to the x-ray dye
■ Kidney failure
Angioplasty And Vascular Stents
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