Thursday, July 13, 2023

Angioplasty Procedure Explanation

Angioplasty is the procedure of utilizing a balloon to stretch and widen an artery that has become narrowed or blocked, and it is a well-established treatment for coronary heart disease (CHD) and heart attacks (acute coronary syndrome).

Coronary angioplasty is a medical intervention employed to expand coronary arteries, the main blood vessels responsible for supplying the heart. By undergoing angioplasty, the blood flow through these arteries is enhanced.

Typically, a coronary angioplasty procedure takes around 30 minutes to 2 hours, although there are instances where it may take longer. During the procedure, a surgeon inserts a tube into an artery situated in the groin or wrist. The tube is then guided towards the affected artery near the heart. Subsequently, a balloon is introduced to open up the artery. In many cases, angioplasty is performed in conjunction with the placement of a stent, a small tube made of wire mesh. The stent plays a role in supporting the opened artery, thereby decreasing the chances of it narrowing again.

These procedures are commonly carried out in a cardiovascular catheterization laboratory, often referred to as a "cath lab," while the patient is under conscious or moderate sedation. Since the procedure involves a small puncture in the skin, there is no need for sutures or stitches.
Angioplasty Procedure Explanation

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