Atherosclerosis, marked by plaque buildup in the arteries, can lead to serious issues when it affects the arteries supplying the brain. This blockage reduces blood flow and oxygen to the brain, causing various symptoms. One common sign is sudden facial numbness, often affecting one side more than the other. This numbness may come with arm or leg weakness, which can hinder daily activities and impact quality of life.
Another frequent symptom is severe headaches, sometimes described as the worst ever experienced. These headaches may be persistent and accompanied by dizziness, confusion, or speech difficulties. Such symptoms can signal a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or mini-stroke, which serves as a warning for a potential full stroke.
Paralysis is a more severe consequence of atherosclerosis in the brain’s arteries, usually affecting one side of the body, a condition called hemiplegia. Depending on the severity of the arterial blockage and the speed of medical response, this paralysis may be temporary or permanent. Additional symptoms may include loss of coordination, difficulty swallowing, and vision changes.
The severity of symptoms can vary and may develop slowly over time. Early detection and prompt medical attention are crucial in preventing further complications. Adopting a healthier lifestyle—such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking—can lower the risk of atherosclerosis. In some cases, medication or surgery may be required to restore proper blood flow to the brain.
Brain Artery Atherosclerosis: Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention
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