A high blood cholesterol level means that the person has more cholesterol in the bloodstream than the body needs.
A high level of cholesterol in the bloodstream is recognized as a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and is therefore also a risk factor for coronary artery disease.
In atherosclerosis, which deposits of cholesterol and other lipids, along with cellular reactions, thicken artery walls. This process gradually reduces the caliber of the artery and restricts blood flow.
In adequate blood flow may cause injury to or death of tissue beyond the site of reduced flow. In the coronary arteries, this leads to myocardial infarction or sudden death.
In general, the causes of high blood cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia, can be regroup into two major categories:
*Life style factors
*Genetic factors
Lifestyles factors that can contribute to high blood cholesterol include; obesity, lack of physical activity or exercise and consuming an unhealthy diet that contains excessive cholesterol.
The principal nutritional factors identified with high blood cholesterol and the development of coronary heart disease are dietary fat, approximately saturated fatty acids and cholesterol and energy imbalance leading to obesity.
What is high blood cholesterol?